Re: previous post, on soul, childhood abuse, purpose of life...
This is a wide subject that I have dealt with in great detail in my book Freedom from Judegment, if you are interested. In short, one's present lifetime is only a snapshot of in the large continuous life, broken down into numerous life streams or lifestimes. The higher self of the person never dies, only the phsyical body does when the soul detaches from it, the soul being the link between the devine self and personality self controlling the phsycal body.
When the body dies, the soul goes through a journey of adjustment, integrating and processing that life's many experiences. All so called "bad deeds" or judgments are replayed like in a video, and the soul experiences everything good and bad the person believed he/she has done to others and to him/herself. Once this has occured, the soul evaluates where there is any guilt left that requires returning to a physical body to become of aware of the guilt and replace with love and compassion towards oneself, and therefore to all other beings. To do so, the soul makes an agreement with other souls it had previous karmic exchanges, to once again encounter a relationship that can balance the account and provide the opportunity to find the peace and love that are intrinsic to every human being.
All experiences that have ever occurred in any of the soul's lifetimes are carefuly recorded in what is called the Akashic records of the soul being. If in one lifetime, a man has sexually abused a child, he is likely to need to experience how it feels to be abused by, so that he has the opportunity to "forgive" himself, or rather free himself of the guilt of wrongdoing and that new lifetime. The saying, an eye for an eye, means exactly that. You can never reap something you have not sown yourself. The to-be-abused child's soul will choose to incarnate in an environment/family/ country that would support this profound learning process, even if it includes phsyical death.
What we call injustice, is but the snapshot that cannot reveal the circumstances and causes of the abuse. In truth, every person is always responsible for everything that happens to them, given the history of one's past thoughts, beliefs and actions. His her higher self guides the soul towards those experiences that benefit its evolution towards unconditional love and compassion. To reach that state of heart, challenges can be enormous, but so will be the blessings, rewards and gifts that result from this couragous endavor called human life.
Going beyond the illusion of dualism of good and bad, right and wrong, life and death, requires to experience every facet of it. Once accomplished, freedom from judgment results. No longer blinded by appearant injustice, cause and effect come to an, end and peace and acceptance replace conflict and rejection. The entire humanity is challenged to develop this state of consciousness within the near future. Currently, it is living through the all the unfinished business of its past, reflected by the current emotional upheaval that has gripped human life on earth.