I have over the last few years been told there is no cure for Hep C. I was told 7 yrs ago that my Hep C was gone. Now 1 yr ago I am told that there are newer tests that are better and should get checked again. They tell me I still have it and there is only a small amount circulating in the blood. The doctor I now have tells me there is a cure for hep c. Just so confused. First tell me it's gone and by the way no cure and now telling me I still have and is a cure, and it is the same meds as it was when they told me there was no cure.
They want to put me on Interferon, but I am way too afraid of this drug, as I know 2 people personally whom did this and wound up on disability during the treatment course.
What do you all think about this?
By the way, I really have no symtoms at this time, I do tire at the end of the day but thats it.