i'd like to clarify something....first of all there is no such thing as hepatitis c being "not so active"....viral load has nothing to do with the extent of possible damages. HCV doesn't just affect the liver...it affects the entire body. I had 27 years of infection and even though my viral load was minimal, the side effects were the most damaging....hcv ruined my skin, by bones (mainly the teeth)...my mental stability....everyone thought either i was depressed or bi-polar...i was neither..the virus passes the blood brain barrier.
As for milk thistle and selenium...that is not a cure, it is just an inti-immflamatory, and with that comes a little prossessing aide.
With the liver and the damage done by hcv, the liver does not proccess like a healthy one does, so take it easy with the herbs, the juices ect.
Many people can live a long life if they watch what they eat and change their lifestyles. But regardless, HCV does not stop. HCV is a virus that changes its genetic makeup each cyclic period, that is why some have harder times getting rid of it through conventional medication.
Also, I was in a study...and proud of it! (I couldnt afford it)
HCV ruined my childhood, severely affected my relationships and most of all, slept almost all of my entire life!
I also tried quite a few things...flushes dont kill a virus, especially ones that change its "code".
Vitamin therapy doesn't touch it, but I can attest to burning urine with vitamin c! (my liver could not handle it at all!) excess literally went down the toilet.
So in moderation okay?
Also, without studies (just as your doing with herbs to see what works and doesnt work....actually it doesnt do much...i don't know one person it has cured to date), but, anyway, with conventional studies, it allows the patient to get medication coverage. Mine paid for all of it and after what i tried and went through for 10 years trying to cure myself, I jumped on it!
Also, my doctor studied abroad about herbs and tinctures....did you know China has the most uncured HCV infected?
If maintenance is what you want to try thats great...but that is all it is. I didnt want hcv ruining anymore of my body.....now that im okay, my skin rashes are gone, no antidepressants ect ect ect....
anyway...good luck to you.