Re: help!!6 months to live!large tumor in liver, can i do liver flush??
Dear Andreas,
Your letter to the lady known as
Luna is absolutely perfect; full of
insights, hope, practical suggestions, and compassion. You
possess what the ancient Greeks
called Caritas, the human warmth,
the human caring.
As I read your letter, I couldn't
help but think of all the people
who visit the cancer forum, the
breast cancer forum, or the one
about tumors. ALL of them should
have access to your letter, too.
Would it be possible to post Luna's
letter and your response on each
of those forums? Or failing that,
to include both letters in the
next CureZone newsletter?
I hope you and your associates will
consider it, Andreas.
Someday, far off in the future, when
St. Peter greets you at the Gates of
Heaven, he's going to ask you your
name and the work you chose to do
on Earth. And when you tell him,
"I'm Andreas Moritz from CureZone,"
St. Peter is going to smile, and then signal the Seraphim, the Angelic Choir, to break into a chorus of, "Nobody Does It Better."
For truly, nobody does.
Thanks for enriching the lives of
so many people.