Re: Has anyone actually cleared the virus???
Hi Mike,
Yes, some have. Not everyone, including myself, yet. But I keep at it.
I went from 6 mil to 1.2 mil. 250's for AST - ALT to normal ALT and
AST 68. This took 2 years.
I have a
Colloidal Silver maker, and it did nothing for me. I use a zapper
and ozonater. I think the ozonater is doing the best for me. There is an
ozone forum on curezone. It's worth checking it out.
You might already be aware of these, but:
Lloyd Wright has taken aome people to non detected. His site is:
There is a message section you can peruse. It's not an easy or cheap
protocol. Dr Zhang in NYC has had some successes. You can get his
chinese herbs over the phone if you fax him bloodwork.
His site is:
Another good site to buy herbs and get your load down is:
And one more:
I hear coconut oil is supposed to kill viruses, balance cholestrol and balance the
thyroid. I'm just starting that.
good luck! Let us know if you hear of anything else!