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50 Flushes and still not done...
Tonyflo Views: 4,477
Published: 21 y

50 Flushes and still not done...

Dear Andreas,
Thanks so much for you support to us on this forum! It's such an inspiration to see someone who turned their health around through liver cleansing and vegetarianism.
My question is this: I seem to have required an incredibly large number of flushes to get my stones out and an I am still not through yet. I am only 25 years old and didn't eat the best diet growing up but also not the worst. I began last year(March 2003) and since that time I have flushed virtually 3 weeks out of every month for over a year to the tune of over a little over 50 flushes. I know you recommend 2-4 weeks between cleanses but the pressure would build and I felt compelled to remove them. There have only been 2-3 times where "nothing" came out but I always knew I wasn't through yet because I didn't feel great and still lacked the full range of motion, breath awareness and energy flow that I can see will result in a fully restored liver/gb. Also it was typically when I used a 'filtered' olive oil and not the thick stuff. Every other time I'm sure that I got out 75-300 stones with each flush.
Initially I did softening by malic acid caps and orthophos and later on tried various herbs. There were times that I felt like MA and ortho weren't working well and switched to gold coin and the dr. schulze formula. They seemed to work alright but never could bring in the radical change I have been searching for and see other people get. And I am just baffled by so many people who seemed to have started out in much worse condition than I and only require 9-15 cleanses before their health is totally revolutionized. Also, my diet has been incredibly strict for the past 2.5 years--mainly fresh raw organic food, prepared according to my ayurvedic type--no animal proteins, no cooked oils, no alcohol, no coffee, etc. So it seems unlikely that I am making new stones. Is it just possible that although I was unsymptomatic--that until I began flushing I was carrying 8,000-9,000 stones?
And I don't mean to sound to sound ungrateful or bitter, I feel so blessed to have encountered this truth, to have aroused the courage and discipline necessary to move forward, to have connected with people like you--it's just that this cleanse has almost become a way of life for me and I am ready to move forward. There is an extraordinary amount of energy that wants to come through my feet and spine(it is pronounced during the flush) and still gets interupted in my midsection, upper back and neck. I know I am so close to such an amazingly complete shift and transformation but the only thing I feel like I can do is to continue cleansing, albeit farther apart. The next time I will probably do a highly radical softening approach--chanca piedra, hercampuri, gold coin, malic acid, ortho-phos--just in case I have some radically calcified stubborn stones. Is there anything you'd recommend?
Ultimately, I know I will break through and understand that I have written quite a bit here. Maybe my case would be better addressed in a consultation and I'd love to talk with you anyway about everything in more detail. Please let me know and maybe we can set something up in the next few weeks or month. Thanks so much and again God Bless you for all that you contributing to everyone here!


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