I you have had cold sores after liver cleanses it is a sign of trapped stones in the colon. In my book The Amazing Liver Cleanse, www.ener-chi.com, I strongly emphasize the need to do a colonic or at least a colema within 3 days after each liver cleanse. This is necessary in order to remove trapped stones from the colon and avoid toxic reactions, inflammation, infection, lymph congestion resulting in puffyness and weight gain, kidney problems, etc.
Doing 2-3 liver cleanses without concluding them with a colonic/colema is enough to lead up to a major toxicity crisis. Oxy-powder would not be sufficient to help with this problem. I am not sure what kind of liver cleanse you have used, but omitting this important part of the cleanse is very risky (it has been disccussed on numerous occasions in this forum). To help deal with the acute problem you will need to schedule a colonic asap. Then use the proper directions for liver/colon and kidney cleansing as detailed in the book.