Happy New year to you! I was wondering what your gentotypoe and quantitive was. And what was your treatment of choice and for how long? For those of us needing and seaching for support, advice,personal experiences and knowledge it would be nice if this site was more active. I was diagosed with Hep C and have been in a daze and griefing ever since. Got my Genotype 1a and Quantitive 2,321,000. I had a ultra sound of my liver, ect. It was normal. I dont want a liver biopsy. I see the doctor in 30 minutes. He wants to go over treatment. He told me I would be treated with interferon, ribo pill combination for one year. I have a job that is an incubator of Germs, on different time zones, lift and carry 70 pounds DAILY. Also carry a 270 lb person to perform CPR seven days a week. I am a homepathic type but am considering that interferon ribo pill combo treatment. My family wants be to live with them if i do and that means temporarily leaving the job. I dont know what to think or do.