Rep. Weldon points out that the autism rate began to skyrocket
as the number of required childhood vaccinations increased.
Canned tuna or canned poison? That was the teaser for a CBS 2 News "HealthWatch"
Report of Nov. 22 that focused on high levels of mercury found in tuna
and the possible health risks associated with them.
CBS 2 News reporter Paul Moniz quoted a number of physicians, who
observed of the toxic substance that, "Once it gets into our bodies, a
substantial part of it will end up in our nervous system, in our brains,
and it's there that it causes a variety of symptoms." A pediatrician is
quoted as saying, "We know that high levels of mercury can impair the
cognitive development as well as the growth and development of a young
child." What the report appears to be revealing is that while overweight
Americans may flee to fish to lose unwanted pounds, too much of that
tasty tuna could reduce the IQ more than the waistline.
What the critics of mercury in vaccines find provocative about this
report is the acknowledgement by physicians that the high levels of
mercury ingested from canned tuna can cause severe health risks. One
such critic, the mother of an autistic child, wonders "why everyone gets
up in arms over ingesting small amounts of mercury from fish or from
breaking a thermometer but finds it acceptable to inject an even more
toxic form of mercury directly into the bloodstream of infants. The
evidence is overwhelming that hundreds of thousands of children were
damaged by gross overexposure to mercury through vaccines [containing
thimerosal] and millions more were and continue to be put at risk, yet
network news has not addressed this in any significant way. The public
needs and deserves to know the truth - not only about the biggest
medical bungling in our history, but also about the extraordinary
efforts of both the pharmaceutical industry and government agencies to
cover it up."
A pharmaceutical and government cover-up? It is a familiar enough
accusation, and this time the fuse was lit by yet another study from the
federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this one
titled Safety of Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines: A Two-Phased Study of
Computerized Health Maintenance Organization Databases. The report
concluded that "no consistent significant associations were found
between TCVs [thimerosal-containing vaccines] and neurodevelopment
outcomes." Critics scoff at such a conclusion. "Sure," laughs one, "they
say you can't eat tuna because the level of mercury you ingest isn't
good for you, but there's no health risk associated with injecting high
levels of mercury directly into a newborn baby?"
The CDC study, released in the November 2003 issue of Pediatrics, seemed
to puzzle news media, with most who took note of it making at least a
mention of the fact that the lead author, Thomas Verstraeten, was an
employee of GlaxoSmithKline, the pharmaceutical giant and vaccine
manufacturer, when he submitted the study for publication.
The first part of the two-phase study to determine whether there is a
connection between thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopment
disorders began in 1999 and involved the review of data from Seattle's
Group Health Cooperative and Northern California Kaiser, both large
health-maintenance organizations (HMOs). The data used in this first
phase actually revealed a significant association between TCVs
administered to infants and later developmental abnormalities such as
speech and language delays and neurodevelopment problems in general,
such as tics and the alleged hyperactivity symptoms of attention-deficit
disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
However, this conclusion was not included in the final draft; it was
only made public afterward when Verstraeten's notes were revealed in
another forum, according to specialists. The notes, not published with
the CDC study, showed that the "relative risk" for autism was 2.48 times
higher for children who received 62.5 micrograms or more of mercury from
TCVs by 3 months of age.
The second phase of the study in June 2000, however, involved the
Harvard Pilgrim HMO in Massachusetts - an unlikely choice, critics say.
Among the problems with using Harvard Pilgrim's database was that the
HMO was in bankruptcy and had been taken over by the commonwealth of
Massachusetts. The medical records not only were incomplete, but the
data were stored with a diagnostic coding system completely unlike that
used in the first phase of the study using data from the two West Coast
HMOs. Furthermore, the Harvard Pilgrim data, say the expert analysts,
had incomplete data on autism and did not even address the issue.
Thus medical reviewers of the CDC study charge that it is rife with data
manipulation. Since it relied on incompatible diagnostic coding to
validate whether there were adverse effects from exposure to TCVs, the
effect was to sabotage the result. So, they say, it was not surprising
that the CDC study's analysis of the Harvard Pilgrim data found no
consistent association between vaccines containing thimerosal and the
mercury-related neurological disorders found previously in the first
phase based on the two West Coast HMOs.
One of the few physicians in Congress, Rep. Dave Weldon (R-Fla.),
immediately saw the problems associated with the CDC study and notified
CDC Director Julie Gerberding. Weldon wrote, "I have serious
reservations about the four-year evolution and conclusions of this
study. A review of these documents leaves me very concerned that rather
than seeking to understand whether or not some children were exposed to
harmful levels of mercury in childhood vaccines in the 1990s, there may
have been a selective use of the data to make the associations in the
earliest study disappear."
Weldon's letter to Gerberding goes on to observe that "the first version
of the study, produced in February 2000, found a significant association
between exposure to thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism and
neurological developmental delays. A June 2000 version of the study
applied various data manipulations to reduce the autism association to
1.69, and the authors went outside the VSD [Vaccine Safety Datalink]
database to secure data from a Massachusetts HMO [Harvard Pilgrim] in
order to counter the association found between TCVs and speech delays."
Clear enough.
The Florida lawmaker, who is a staunch supporter of immunization, tells
Insight, "I don't know what's going on. It's a pretty lame study to
begin with. The way they've done it is they got some findings and
started adding more numbers to the denominator - it's kind of a strange
protocol they followed. Then there are all these quotes from the
researchers from other documents about how you can add numbers and
stratify things and get any outcome you want. Then you consider that the
lead author is working for a drug company, didn't disclose this fact and
also that it is one of the drug companies being sued over this mercury
issue. I'm just very concerned that we're not going to get answers as
long as there are careers at stake. You know there are people at the CDC
who have been involved in the vaccine program who didn't recognize the
amount of mercury they were giving kids, and now they're in the process
of investigating themselves. Meanwhile a lot of these investigators
bounce to and from the drug companies. I think it all is very, very
murky and very suspicious."
Weldon summarizes: "The CDC produced an article by Dr. Verstraeten,
published on Nov. 3 in Pediatrics. Dr. Verstraeten is a former CDC
employee. Since 2001 he has worked for GlaxoSmithKline - a vaccine
manufacturer. While working for the CDC in 2000, the first version of
Dr. Verstraeten's unpublished study found an association between higher
thimerosal exposures and neurodevelopment disorders, including autism.
Between 2000 and 2003, Dr. Verstraeten and coauthors manipulated and
stratified the data so much that each of these associations magically
disappeared. I don't know if it was deliberate, but that is nonetheless
what happened. This study has done nothing in my mind to put these
concerns to rest, but only serves to raise suspicions."
This veteran member of Congress puts it plainly: "We're not going to get
answers to these questions until Congress or some outside group starts
poring through this information. But it's very coincidental that they
added the hepatitis vaccine, the HiB vaccine and the chicken-pox vaccine
- they added all these additional childhood vaccines around the time
when the autism rate started to skyrocket. Then when you actually sit
down and do the calculations, according to the Environmental Protection
Agency [EPA], they were giving these kids very toxic levels of mercury.
I mean as a 150- to 200-pound adult the EPA says you're not supposed to
take in more than one microgram per day. They were taking little seven-
and 10-pound babies and pumping 50 and 75 micrograms of mercury into
them in one shot. That's like giving an adult 1,000 micrograms. And, on
top of that, the World Health Organization says mercury is 10 times more
toxic in children than it is in adults. It's horrifying."
While Weldon and others cite huge and undeniable flaws, a spokesman for
the CDC, Von Roebuck, tells Insight that "the CDC stands by the study."
As he explains it, "We pretty much looked into that [manipulation of
data] in the sense of how the information was presented, and we do stand
behind it. The CDC knew that Dr. Verstraeten worked for GlaxoSmithKline,
and the one thing that we would want to happen differently is that would
have been known before, but the work that Dr. Verstraeten did was for
the CDC at the time the work was produced - the work that he did for the
study was done when he worked for the CDC."
Mark Geier, M.D., Ph.D., is president of the Genetic Centers of America.
He and his son, David Geier, president of Medcon Inc., are consultants
on vaccine cases. David Geier tells Insight, "What happened here is Dr.
Verstraeten goes to the Institute of Medicine [IOM] and says that he
looked at it in one California HMO and it was statistical and he saw the
effect, and then he did it in another California HMO and it was
statistical and he saw the effect, then he went to Harvard Pilgrim HMO
and he didn't see the effect. The IOM said it's biologically plausible,
but the epidemiology is mixed and therefore we're not sure."
"In my opinion," explains Mark Geier, "if they had seen clear
epidemiology they would have recommended the immediate removal of
thimerosal and hundreds of children would have been saved. But
Verstraeten went to the one state in the country where the percentage of
autism was the lowest. According to the U.S. Department of Education the
average increase in autism was 400 percent, and every state in the union
had at least a 100 percent increase. But Harvard Pilgrim had just a 10
percent increase."
"We went to Atlanta," he continues, "to the CDC, and looked at the VSD
data. There is thimerosal-containing DTaP [diphtheria, tetanus and
pertussis vaccine] and thimerosal-free DTaP, so we asked a question:
Among children that got a minimum of either three consecutive thimerosal-containing
DTaPs or three consecutive thimerosal-free DTaPs, was there a difference
in the number of autism cases in the two groups? We found mega
differences. More than 20 times higher. The rate of autism in the
children that got more than three doses of thimerosal-containing DTaP
vaccines was much, much higher. Almost all the children that have autism
in that group were the ones that got the thimerosal-containing DTaP
vaccine. The more thimerosal the greater the cases of autism."
Mark Geier says, "Believe us, there is no scientific issue here. This is
fraud. The CDC and the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] know what is
happening. They just can't admit it because it is one of the worst
things ever to have happened to this United States. If a terrorist had
done this, we wouldn't attack them, we'd nuke them. We're talking about
one in eight children in the U.S. that currently are in special
education, and that number is going to change to about one in five. What
percentage of our young population can we destroy before we realize how
serious this is?"
Lyn Redwood, a registered nurse, mother of an autistic child and
president and cofounder of (Sensible Action for Ending Mercury-Induced
Neurological Disorders), a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending
devastation caused by the needless use of mercury in medicines, tells
Insight that "there are so many problems with the study, but over time
you can see how all the manipulations of the data slowly bring down the
signals for neurological disorders. I think they were trying to get
lower numbers. It must be very hard to admit that a program that was
designed to eradicate infectious disease has resulted in an epidemic of
a whole new kind of disease. But to think that we weren't given a choice
when the regulators and manufacturers knew these products contained
mercury is inconceivable."
Redwood says with a sigh, "On a scale of one to 10, I give the CDC study
a big fat zero. I think it started out good, but when they saw the early
numbers it scared the hell out of them. I don't have any faith in the
CDC doing a decent study of this matter. It's like having the tobacco
industry monitor cigarettes for safety. From a parent's perspective and
from a health-care professional's perspective it's maddening that we
can't get products that are safe, and yet we're forced by law to use
them. They need to just get the thimerosal out. It's barbaric."
Kelly Patricia O'Meara is an investigative reporter for Insight.
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