Sputnik and others-update
The sputnik after biweekly circulation all over my intestines ''landed'' two days ago. I checked it with the diode-it registered weak impulses, so I exploited almost all its power. Altogether it worked 3 weeks inside me (the first ‘’voyage” lasted one week). The next sputnik already works in my intestines.The worms cannot have a rest! If even they can escape and hide into localities, where the impulses do not kill them, then surely the sputnik put them under stress!
Yesterday at night I woke up and something made me hurry up to the toilet. I had a bowel movement - I passed only black thick rope approx 15
cm so I looked at it and I am sure it was dead worm. I passed a lot of mucoid plaque lately so I think I can tell what is what. I felt lightness in the morning. I usually have such ‘’episodes of lightness” after I eliminate something really piosonous.
BUT they are still alive. I mean many of them – the big ones as I can feel them crawling.
They have changed my body for their home, the source of food. They manipulated my behaviour in the past and still can do this. I can only imagine what are their capabilities, talents, ...
parasites rex?
Besides the change of my diet (a lot of fresh juices) and the sputnik, I started using the Dune -T and EfA (another Russian devices). I bought from the producer of the sputniks and photon tablets (you can see photos of the devices I use on
I have read that only part of the spectrum of solar radiation has positive influence on human body. The Dune-T is a small source of such spectrum - sunlight of the time of dawning and sunsetting. It connects the red and infra-red radiation. I am sure the radiation can penetrate really deeply as the instruction shows how to heal your liver or clean your blood for example. It helps with my face eczema a lot already. When I put it on my liver area I can feel some movements after a while so I assume worms do not like the light!
Aromatherapy is another mean of my war against my parasites.
I tried huge doses of oregano oil as food in the past with no effect.
Now I use it in another way. I put a drop on a inhaler a few times a day and my room is full of oregano aerosol. The device I use (EfA) generates the aerosol which is almost the same as natural aerosols of ethereal oils produced by plants. It is a method of resonance spraying of ethereal oils. It is so simple and I can feel the suspension of oregano on my skin, in my nose nad lungs. Yesterday I put too much oregano oil on the device and I got a headache and flu symptoms- I think it was a die-off effect or a reaction of worms (?).
All the devices are quite new to me and I just started using them. I am sure they will help me a lot and some of them (especially the sputnik) already did help me.
It is still a hard time for me. It is a matter of life and death. Now when I have such weapons I will fight for dear life!
I know there are many of you who have really bad, nasty,animal type worms and my experience is not something unique.
Human body can be very depressed by the
parasite invaders but it is the only body you have and you have to take care of it as much as possible.
I am trying to do so.