Re: Flukes in blood from finger puncture?
Here is an indepth presentation about all flukes INCLUDING blood flukes - they are hard to get rid of because of they way they live and reproduce:
Here are just the bare basics:
The flukes are the hardest
parasites to get rid of as they can stay in the human body for 10-20 years with each adult fluke living for one year. Flukes come from raw fish, undercooked water plants (such as watercress) and are also carried by dogs, cats and other fish-eating animals. They are also found in beef, chicken, pork and unwashed vegetables.
LIVER FLUKES- infect billary ducts and gall bladders
LUNG FLUKES – are found in the lungs and are sometimes mistaken for lung cancer on x-rays. They cause cough, blood tinged mucous, and vague chest pains.
BLOOD FLUKES - travel all over the human body and into all organs including the brain and spinal cord. They can cause seizures and they destroy red blood cells.