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Update, now day 3 of pineapple/pumpkin seed fast
scrappypoo Views: 3,232
Published: 18 y
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Update, now day 3 of pineapple/pumpkin seed fast

Well, it's day 3 now. The first 2 days were pretty easy, but today I've been
salivating at every restaurant I pass. Feel pretty faint & weak but know it's for the best, just about 36 more hours to go.

I've still been noticing the stomach rumbling sensations a lot and still getting hiccups pretty frequently, which is rare. Not seeing too much weirdness in the toliet. I think a lot of what I was seeing was just some pineapple that was not completely digested. But there could be some microscopic little bastards.

I go back on Monday to my chiropractor who will check for the parasites w/her SCIO machine, so I'll let you know if the fast was a success or not! I'm pretty hopeful. I think they're ready to check out of my hotel now that they're starving. boo hoo, haha!

Just a note for all you who are worried about losing weight on the fast (as I was, parasites sure do a # on your body!) I calculated on this nutritional website how much I'd need to eat for approximately 2000 calories a day. And it works out to about 2 1/2 cups of pumpkin seeds a day and about 3 cups or so of pineapple. So don't let that be something that keeps you from trying it out. You probably won't want to look at a pumkpin seed for a awhile though! I'll continue to post until I know the results....

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