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Re: Help! --please read!
boldyloxx Views: 8,476
Published: 19 y
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Re: Help! --please read!

Hi, Im not sure it was only die off--though I feel die off was partly to blame.

Do you still have metal fillings or any metal still in your mouth (root canals,bridgework, etc)?

If you are detoxing for heavy metals, your nutritionist, no doubt, is having you take chelator substances to pull out the heavy metals(wether natural or drug chelators)

Chelating heavy metals will only pull more of them out of the existing metal fillings/dental work you have remaining.
So the metal chelating should be done AFTER ALL METAL is removed/replaced in your mouth.
Some Nutritionists don't agree with that- but many won't chelate unless the metal fillings are replaced first.

Even if you no longer have metals in your mouth- metal chelators such as Chlorella have been known to redistribute/spill mercury and other heavy metals in other parts of the body and one of the places is your colon -and lower intestines, liver, gallbladder, pancreas.--and yes that will result in sudden extreme constipation, nausea, diahhriea, and a bunch of digestive disturbances that doctors will not be able to pinpoint. Mercury toxicity doesnt even show up in hair analysis many times either- making it harder for diagnosis.

Some friends of mine over at one other heavy metal forum I visit (Herb Allure) use Algin with their chlorella when detoxing for heavy metals. Algin (Sodium Alginate) is taken from a certain seaweed-- it sponges up the mercury that Chlorella spills- so it is ideal taken along with Chlorella or other chelators.

In fact, you can take Algin even if you still have metal fillings in your mouth- and it will not give you any side effects. It binds so heavily to mercury that it will not let it go- but will push it right out into the bowel movements.

I really think your diahhria is from the heavy metal chelating pulling and re-distributing heavy metals around in the body.

I bought my Algin online-- just do a Google search for it. It wasnt expensive at all for a bottle of 120 capsules.

Even when using the right balance of chelators- you still will go through some healing crisis as the body adjusts to not having to compensate for the heavy metals that used to be there.

It's an up and down hill ride, but worth it in the end. Just chelate slowly so the body can catch up. I really do reccomend Algin though.

As for the nausea-- Cut up raw Ginger in your tea or get those sugared ginger cubes . Raw Papaya will also help.

Coconut Juice is a natural non chemical, toxin free Electrolyte replacer.

Celery Juice is also. You should get some unrefined Sea Salt , and take a pinch of it every day --and start drinking something like coconut juice, etc.

I'd stay away from the Gatoraid, unless it's an emergency and there is nothing available. I'm not too thrilled with the other chemicals added and the food coloring . It can create Benzyne in your body--which parasites thrive on.

Best coconut Juice i'm aware of so far-besides from the coconut itself--- I buy for my lunches at work is Harvest Bay Coconut Water. It is 100% Natural Isotonic Beverage, containing the correct balance of water and electrolytes ro re-hydrate the body. Check for it online- i'm sure some online store sells it. It's cheap at $1.75 for 11 oz container. They have an Acai fruit added coconut water that tastes delicious--and has the Acai pulp added. The plain coconut water is good too.

Activated Charcoal will also be good to take-

Your naturopath really did help you get to a good start and is still helping so dont be discouraged. Please let us know how it goes!



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