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Re: Nothing worked for me except NAET
boldyloxx Views: 5,183
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 481,876

Re: Nothing worked for me except NAET

Hi Mikeh, sounds like you are on the right track !

Regarding the raw veggies and fruits-- yeah, you can pick up parasites from them if you dont wash them or soak them well- and people have to make sure to cut out any knicks and cuts on the produce, since it can harbor parasite larvea.

The point with eating more raw fruits and veggies is that it tends to make the body more alkaline ph than the common Acidic ph we tend to have.

parasites hate it when the body is more alkaline than acidic. Also- A person can eat all raw fruits and veggies, and still have an acidic body caused from not handeling emotional stress well . Stress can turn an alkaline body acidic in minutes.

Nevertheless, fruits and veggies can pass on parasites if your not careful. I'm sure that's how I picked up sheep fluke over a year ago.!



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