Gross - saw this in a retail store
Just thought I metion this. I saw this a couple of months ago while shopping for a new TV in a major retail chain. I went to the men's room to use the restroom and the stall was occupied. It was an "emergency" so to speak, so I didn't have a choice!
So I waited a minute or so. The guy came out, smiled at me, and walked right by and out the door! without Washing his hands or anything! He was a clean-cut guy in his 20's wearing a nice leather jacket.
No wonder we have such a
parasite problem. If people are not even washing their hands after using the public restroom...
Needless to say, I washed my hands very well after using that restroom. And I think i covered the toliet seat as well...
I wish they would include alcohol wipes or something else in public restrooms to wipe down the toliet seat and handles. And have something dripping slowly into the toliet bowl like bleach. So at least "some" of the transmission of
parasite eggs and bacteria could be stopped.