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This has been happening to me!
deltabravo Views: 56,378
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 481,261

This has been happening to me!


You wrote, "If the inside of your mouth starts sloughing off stuff that seems like dead skin cells, it is probably a whole bunch of these little things dying off."

This has been happening to me! My inside mouth must've peeled two or three times in succession in the beginning of this past week. 5 days ago. I thought it was due to the unsweetened cranberry juice mixed wiht water (4 oz cran to 32 oz water). It feels so dehydrating going down, i tohught it was causing my mouth to shed.

Also, I have several bumps inside my lower lips, very small like hard blisters and white. But they scrape right off, or pull right off. I checked !

Well, ill make note of your other dewormer ideas when the course of mine runs out if I dont get the results I'm "looking" for. Thanks very much.


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