Re: Quick cleansing question..
could it possible to still have toxins after fasting/eating once a day
for soo long? It HAS been three years after all-
PLus with all the cleansing going on for the past two months.
how do i feel? definetly more tired and out of it then usual, and i
haven't been able to excersize too intensly for the past week because
of the water loss. As far as replacing the intestinal flora,
i ate yogurt for a while, i had a period where i could'nt
get enough water, so i drank Gatorade for a few days and i felt better.
I know
Sugar is considered a 'banned substance', but i was thirsty...
the master cleanse?!
geez, another cleanse?!
i can't take anymore diarrea!
i will definetly eat plenty of fresh fruits in the coming weeks-
plus whats a good way to introduce intestinal flora back into my system?
more yogurt?