Parasites ... or just Mucus?
okay,smart guy here...
i have been thinking of my issues with
parasites and worms or whatever..
i had some "die off" in my stools-so i thought.
anyways, today after i used the rest room- i examined for dead worms,
i didn't see any worms but i DID see some white milky substance that was
wrapped & intertwined in the BM.
so i took a Q-tip and i wrapped it around the tip, i was too excited and
it swung up & got me right in the eye!
just kidding..
no really, i took a Q-tip to examine the substance and i moved it around-
it kinda resembled a worm , but it looked alot like mucus when it was
i looked at the other stuff floating around the BM and it also looked like
mucus. This was the original symptom i had a few months ago when i
first seen the syptoms.
whats really going on?
could i be less infected than i thought?
i have been eating raw/rare beef for the last 3 years during that time
i had regular bowl movements and on occasion ( almost on scedule,about once a month)
i would go through a "natural" cleasing phase where i'd have loose bowels/diarrea
for like a week,that occompanied by a brief illness.
i used to eat foods as raw and in it's natural form as possible.
is it also possible that my body naturally just expelled ANY kind of
sign of overexposure to
parasites whenever it needed to?
i am just curious,because i am starting to question my infestation (if any)