I know that some forums on curezone do not advocate colonics. but it does not make any sense to ignore their use when your body has a weak digestive system. I would think anyone who does not have a weak digestive system could not understand this and so as usual... each person has to take what is good just for them. And so for me... having a slow colon... having taken parasite meds... I was just a mess.
However the colonics lady I had this week knew more and told me more then any other or all others have that I have used in the past. She was very knowedgable. So I was lucky. She also knew about parasites. She herself de worms 3x a year. And now I also know that if I do NOT get my cecum emptied... I will feel it. And they cannot do that without massaging during the colonic and so you have to find someone who will do that or just ask and see how it goes. Seems there are different machines and different methods that are taught. She used Woods closed system. So maybe this will help others with problems. All colonics are different. This was the best one I had ever had.