Your allergies might be the result of a fungal infection
Hi, I suffer from allergies, sinus congestion, dark circles, and many other body woes. While doing the mc I discovered that I have candida. It is responsible for the majority of body woes, including my sinus congestion, allergies and dark circles. You should do the candida spit test. First thing upon arising in the morning, (even before clearing your mouth), spit into a glass of water. If your spit remains floating, in a nice, cohesive "blob", you're probably pretty much Candida-free. However, if after a moment, your spit begins to develop long strand-like tendrils that dissolve down into the water, or if your spit spreads out over the surface of the water, you probably have a Candida condition.
I am now do a colon and
parasite cleanse. I will then do liver flushes.
Liver Flushes help with allergis, and then I will work on killing the candida using threelac, and fungal defense. I also take organic raw apple cider vinegar. It helps the body become alkaline, which makes it hard for the candida to live in. Good luck to everyone.
Here are some symptoms of candida:
Symptoms of Candida overgrowth are caused by toxins released. Not all listed symptoms will occur in all individuals. Usually, approximately 20 symptoms will be present.
Disfunctioning Glandular and Organ Symptoms:
adrenal and thyroid gland malfunction, cold hands or feet, diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, impotence and low body temperature.
bad breath (halitosis), bloating, coating on tongue (oral thrush), constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, gas, heartburn, indigestion, inflammation, irritable bowel syndrome, obesity or/and excessive weight loss.
Psychological and Allergic:
acne, blurred vision, bronchitis (recurrent), burning or tingling, chemical sensitivity, chest pain, coughing, earaches, hayfever, headaches, hives, muscle aches and tension, nasal congestion, nasal congestion, head tension, numbness, painful, swollen, stiff joints, shortness of breath, sinusitis and sore throats.
Emotional and Mental:
ADD, ADHD, anxiety, depression, disorientation, drowsiness, fatigue, feelings of unreality, frequent mood swings hyperactivity, inability to concentrate, insomnia, irritability, joint pain, low energy, mental confusion, MS, muscle pain, muscle weakness, nervousness, poor memory and tingling and numbness.
Acne, anal itch, athlete's foot, dandruff, dermatitis, dermatitis, diaper rash, dry skin, eczema, excessive perspiration, facial rash, fungous infection of the nails, hives, impetigo, jock itch, lupus and psoriasis.
Bladder infection (recurrent), burning on urination, cramps, cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), endometriosis (irregular or painful menstruation), fluid retention (edema), frequent urination, impotency, infertility, loss of sexual feelings, menstrual irregularities, painful intercourse, PMS, prostitis, recurrent yeast vaginitis, vaginal burning, itching or discharge.