Re: I'm in a dangerous cycle here...
So good to see you. And what an interesting coincidence. I seem to be going through my own strange new set of issues as well.
It's looking like I have Lyme disease, and possibly babesia and possibly mycoplasma infections as well. I should get my labs back tomorrow but I fit the clinical diagnosis to a T.
The past 2 years my health, despite cleansing, etc. has gotten progressively worse. First, I was in a nasty car accident and developed starnge neuro symptoms and then I got mono and just never got better.
The past few months I have been getting sicker and sicker.
Liver Flushes stopped working because I couldn't produce enough bile. I did bowel cleansing, but it didn't help.
it wasn't until I found about the Lyme that I realized that whatever I did, it had to be much more, and for much longer becasue Lyme is a marathon, not a race.
How interesting that we all come back here at the same time! So good to hear from you!