To all, i have just completed a liver cleanse after a 6 month break from Liver Cleansing and although i did not release many stones, there was an awful lot of what i can only desctibe as looking like grapefruit segments which had been shredded finely to resemble tiny little semi- transparent skins!!
Are these parasites or flukes or what? I have done many Liver Cleanses in the past as well as the blessed herbs Colon Cleanse but not seen anything like this. In every bowel movement i had them.
Also i have been following the Bob Beck protocol of electrifying the blood for one hour a day for the past two weeks, and this kills any bugs dead in the blood stream, but only got the results above during the liver cleanse.
What should i do next? Am i still likely to have more of these critters or is my liver now clear as i can't cleanse again for another 2 weeks to let my liver heal.
Thank you.