Re: Dientamoeba fragilis
Fantastic to find other people with this!!
Both my husband and I have DF, and no pinworms (in answer to someone who asked). My husband has tried
Clarkia , and another combination of herbs recommended by a herbalist. We're not sure if it worked.
Anyway, my main reason for writing is to ask whether anyone has noticed a cycle of these parasites? My husband gets pain that starts in his back/kidneys, and moves to his abdomen. It peaks in pain after 6 hours, and then subsides over 2-3 days. The funny thing is that this seems to be happening every 4 months (6 attacks in total) but are not related to any moon cycles. Anyone else getting the severe pain or any 4-monthly cycle? Maybe clutching at straws, but after various MRI scans, barium enemas & x-rays we're trying to do our own research!
Also, for information, we have a great doctor locally who only works part-time so he can do acupuncture and nutrition which he believes strongly in. He is open-minded about most things but claims DF is harmless and no symptoms can be attirbuted to it...