yes, I would say these could be a redworm, mine are redish/brown
and 1 1/2 to 2
inches long.
I had a bad ache in my left kidney area for almost a month, I put heat on it at home and wore a warm patch to work over the area, this helped me. I was constantly rubbing the area. I am sure it had something to do with parasites, the pain is now gone and hasn't returned. I use to get infections often and haven't had one for over a year now.
Keep cleansing and pay attention to the pain and when it leaves, watch and see that it probably won't return as you continue to
parasite cleanse. Get those nasty critters out of there! I never had any stones but the pain when I was killing
parasites got bad sometimes in my left kidney, made me wonder what was going on too, I gave it time and it all went away, around a month.
I also had pain and a kicking from the inside of my left side of my stomach and upper colon area. Many others here have wrote about this same area. This too will go away I believe.
Isn't this wonderful that you are gaining your good health back little by little by getting
parasite out of your body. Keep cleansing, you are on the right track and this track leads you to a wonderful quality of life ~good health~