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Tapeworms, Round worms, Flukes?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Tapeworms, Round worms, Flukes?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

flowerchild59 Views: 3,420
Published: 21 y
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Re: Check out

This is my parasite cleanse diary and results – can you help me trace the missing parents of 2,500 strings of eggs ...?

Sorry it´s so long, but Webmaster said to be as detailed as I can, and I've done my best to comply.

First of all I’d just like to say to anyone planning a parasite cleanse – make it easy on yourself, don’t use the toilet - sit on the side of the bath and hold a bowl under your bottom. That way you can gyrate the bowl and thoroughly inspect the contents without putting your head down the toilet or putting your hand in the BM in the toilet.

If you use the toilet you could miss seeing a lot of things. Your BM can go in the toilet once you’ve taken a good look, taken photographs of anything of note, and fished out anything you want to preserve or just keep for reference until the end of the cleanse. If in doubt, keep it – if you end up getting nothing else in later BMs it will be really valuable to you.

Please don’t think I’m suggesting you do the cleanse the way I did it – it was perfectly gross! We each have to use our common sense. I just wanted to share the results but at the same time I don’t want to leave you in the dark about what I did to get them.

Day 1: Took Clarkia at dosage for Tapeworm Disease (see “The Cure for All Cancers” on this site, “Tapeworm Disease”). I’ve been wondering since I was a child (I’ll be 50 on Wednesday) if I had a tapeworm, and this was one way to find out.

Besides taking the oral dose I washed out my colon with a spring water enema then squirted 60 ml of Clarkia into my rectum hoping some of it would be absorbed undiluted direct into my bloodstream, since the oral dose would be diluted by gastric juices.

The Clarkia quickly came back out but the hot sensation told me it had managed to coat my rectum. My urinary tract also began to smart, like when I had an infection there and I tried to pass urine, and I thought the Clarkia might be clearing up the remains of the infection.

I liked the Clarkia, I’m still using it at the maintenance dose. I did wonder if I might pass out from the alcohol, as I’ve hardly ever drunk in my life, but I was okay. I didn’t take anything to counteract the alcohol as I preferred to manage without.

Day 2: Did my 29th Liver Flush because it was due and because I wanted to try and expel from my liver anything the tincture may have killed.

Day 3: Liver Flush results were as normal.

Day 4: (See the 2 photos which I’m emailing to Webmaster to be added to message.) The first bowel movement was watery and green. Not really any food residue: just small Gallstones and white silt, which was probably the remains of the magnesium hydroxide powder (I flush with this because Epsom Salts isn’t available here in Spain).

There were also several hundred of the black strings you see in the photo of my BM in the pink bowl. There was no movement in them.

I had about 6 similar BMs throughout the day containing in total about 2,500 of the black strings. The strings were the only definite result of the parasite cleanse. The other photo shows some strings that I washed.

Take a look at the second string from the left, on my index finger, it’s fat at the bottom. The string actually has a forked tail, but the two prongs of the fork are stuck together in the picture, forming the fat bit. I noticed several other strings like that.

I wondered if this way of dividing was a method of reproduction. However, since then I’ve provisionally identified the “strings” as strings of eggs, not parasites, so this reproduction theory doesn’t seem to fit.

I never saw the parents of the strings, perhaps because I didn’t know what to look for, or perhaps because they’re still inside me. Doesn’t matter as they’re probably dead. Maybe they’ll come out in a future liver flush. The strings, on the other hand, stood out by their black colour, despite being very slender.

I’ve tried to trace the parents by searching the Web. Here are the possibilities I’ve come up with so far:

1 – Human Intestinal Fluke. Dr. Clark has a picture of this in “ The Cure For All Diseases ” with the caption “..."Black hairy legs" are strings of eggs.” The text is here on CureZone (// but unfortunately the picture is missing and likewise with copies of the book elsewhere on the Web. So I have to wait till I can get my hands on a printed copy to see if these “black hairy legs” match my “strings”.

Meanwhile I’ve found a nicely labelled picture of the same fluke at
(Ignore their attempts to discredit Dr. Clark’s research, those guys have just got runaway egos.)
It doesn’t solve the question of “strings” but it does prove that the eggs are BLACK.

2 – “Cancer Fuzzies” with “Hot-Dog-looking legs” that “are, in reality, strings of eggs”
( Scroll down to see the photos. The photography is crystal clear, the best parasite photos I’ve seen.

3 – The “spiders” of “spiders & cotton balls” ( It says the “spiders” are “more common with trematodes” (trematodes meaning flukes), which seems to indicate my strings came from flukes. (See also alifeworthsavin’s message just before this one.)

Now it’s over to you – if you can suggest anything further to help me trace my strings’ parents, I’ll be really grateful!



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