I get pain in my kidneys when I take more than 1/2 teaspoon of the tumeric but I know it works on my uterine fibroids because they have soften and I don't have to urinate as often. :) As long as I take smaller amounts of the tumeric I does not effect my digestion either. However in the larger doses I get more dramatic results. For instance the first time I took it and didn't know any better I took a heaping teaspoon of it! My enlarged left ovary softened and all pain in it went away within hours of taking the tumeric. 3 days later my left ovary began to shrink and my uterine and right ovary pain was diminished. (having only taken that one dose) I'm still playing with the dosage to see how much is still effective in the smaller doses without pain or gas (and constipation :o).
I have taken pumpkin seeds before and know the store bought ones still work on bugs because I had an asthma attack on a trip to California and pumpkin seeds were the cheepest and most readily available cure I could lay my hands on. 4 days later all asthma was gone :) I am looking forward to trying the fresh stuff & just bought two pumpkins.
Side note: My son's dear friend was terminal with cancer. We made rosted pumkin seeds one Halloween. She ate about a third of the tray, maybe 1/2 cup of them and snacked on more of them when she visited. 3 weeks later she tested negative for cancer. :D