i have used a variety of means
i first did the
Clarkia tincture on teh 8 week plan.
you take it for 2 weeks /rest a week /repeat
www.drclarkia.com was where i got mine from.
i also still use oil of oregano at 85% carvocal
it is effective against 137 diff parasites, bacterias, fungus, molds, yeast, anthrax, e-coli, lyme disease, etc..
you need to make sure if you get oil of oregano to get the highest content carvocal you can.. that is the highest i have found/ it is very potent and you need to be sure and dilute it
with a small bit of oil (one bottle will last you a long time !!)
i use it in my ears etc even.
since a lot of mold/yeast and small microscopic
parasites thrive in the ear canal.
i also try to eat as many antiparasitic foods as i can.
and maintain a clean waste system..
by drinking lots of water to keep toxins flushign out/
i use Colosan (bought thru www.amazon.com)
put colosan in search brower and will take you to a bottle powdered form .. i got the 6 month supply
it is excellent in oxidising waste fecal matter off intestinal walls and will wash out your system from colon down..
btw if you go thru our amazon link page on the donations box info, it would be helpful to us since we get a small % off any amazon sales passed thru that link and we survive soley on donations, here at Curezone.
parasites live in old fecal matter so the use of things such as these, will keep them for havign a place to live..
eat high alkaline foods/
parasites thrive in acidic hosts.
most citrus fruits are changed ot alkaline form in your body..
so don't just go by what you think is acidic in natural form.
avoid dead foods (overprocessed/ over cooked/ bottel djuices are basically dead even the vitamins in them are lost...
they can list the vitamins BEFORE pasturization/but the fact is after , none of them remain...
and if they add a subpp to them AFTER pasterization it deteriortes veyr fast after adding or openign anyhow/
not to coutn the ex high
Sugar content and flavor enhancers/ color enhancers etc.. ... *shiver*
bottled apple juice is great for the malic acid in it only as a prep before a liver flush. but you can also use malic acid alone to accomplish the same thing (which would be to help soften stones before a
Liver Flush and begin to relieve congestion..
i also zapp fairly regularly...
use filtered water, which i then make into prill water.
that is a basic outline of my
parasite defense
hope that helps some.
do soem flushes and keep you r body clean and eat the right foods
eliminate whatever toxin producign stuff you can..
liek soy. milk www.notmilk.com
/ fish (poison full of dioxin)
teflon cookware, nylon cook utensils (i use lexan), for cook utensils and eatign utensils if want a good cheap web i can give you one. and bought my visionware off ebay for cooking in.
watch your oils... canola is poison, so is soy..
some nut oils can go rancid fast.
i mainly use sunflower oil/ sesame seed oil , olive oil/. and virgin coconut oil. may folks use flaxseed oil also..
peanut oil is fine too but i have drifted from using it myself/
i rarely cook with oil much.. we use the virgin coconut oil as a butter substitute an dif don't wan t the coconut taste then i will baste a piece of toast lightly with olive oil and sprinke herbs on top/ like garlic/dill whatever..to get a nice flavor.
stevia herb is a great
Sugar subsitute.. it is very SWEET!
i bought the 100 opacket box last year and i think i have used 10 ? !! each packet is a tsp.. you really need just a very tiny bit pf this herb to get a mouth of sweet ness..
i will tryto post a few links foryou about alkaline stuff and antiparasitic herbs and foods to help you further.
btw also high animal meat content is extremely acidic
and over high protein diets..
eat lots of fresh fruit/ green leafy veggies / assormets of veggies and good legumes, nuts in shells is best if you eat nuts..
Sea Salt is a must !!
best to you in all you do..
Ami Joi Benton