Here in The USA.. it is VERY RARE to have tape worms or other worm types in the body.. If you do a google search for parasites, liver flukes, etc. you will find that most liver flukes are impossible to see.. they are extremely small.. most , AT BEST are less then 1/16 of an inch long.. and are usually encapsulated in bile stones.. hence, unless you have disected each and every green 'stone' after a liver flush.. the odds of 'seeing' a liver fluke or worm is tiny tiny tiny.. Oh Well.. I guess you can believe what you want but WORMS in the USA are rare. .. I know.. don't tell me.. ITS A MEDICAL COVERUP.. the AMA won't allow pictures to be puslished.. they routinely fine 1000's of worms and EVERY DOCTOR is swarn to secrecy.. RIGHT !!! Geez..