Re: Does anyone have suggestions for a parasite cleanse for me?
Thank you Ready2behealthy for your sympathetic response! I have asked Shelley in the past for her advice on this. She told me to try liquid chlorophyll enemas while doing a
parasite cleanse. She told me I should try her expulsion test to see if I see anything. I did try eating some raw green pumpkin seeds and felt ill and had die off so I think that the critters did not like it. I too have a LONG history of constipation. For over 10 years, infact! No wonder I am so sick. ( It started after many courses of
Antibiotics ).
I had 3
colonic sessions done ( about 20
colonics ) and still am having trouble. What I find interesting is that I was using the grapefruit seed extract about a year and a half ago and within the second day began having small bm's! I had the worst die off for many months, I couldn't even see to drive at times. After a while I began to feel so good! It was the closest I have ever been to getting well. Unfortunately, it stopped working anymore after about 6 months. I didn't know then about rotating herbs.
I am thinking that maybe other herbs and treatments aren't working as well because
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract is a broad spectrum antimicrobial and addresses
parasites too. I find it amazing nothing else that I've tried is relieving my constipation. I have tried fiber, flax and coconut oils,
Oxypowder , enemas etc... I am using Threelac right now and you can see the tiny flakes of dead yeast in my urine after I take a dose. But still, it does not seem to be enough.
Sorry for the long post, but it sure is nice to get some feedback from people who understand how frustrating this is! I have a very supportive husband but he has no idea what to do anymore either. What is your take on the intestinal irritation/burning? I am thinking maybe it is caused by
parasites and yeast attatching to the colon wall? It started soon after all the
colonics so maybe the gut lining is just very leaky and irritated after all the old waste was removed? Thanks for any feedback. S*