Re: Inviting feedback on my situation.
Sounds like you are on the right track. Those could well be die off symptoms. I know when I get to feeling like that on a cleanse I get great releif just with a plain warm water enema. You see those things die alright and create their die off symptoms and we need to get them out asap. Doing a bowel clense and or enema to help them hurry out helps to relieve the die off symptoms.
Though I don't get the fever, I have suffered the gas, bloating and bowel sounds. That is when I head for the enema. Knid of a pain but better than the other pain and discomfort.
Cool your friend flipped the light switch for you. Sounds like you are head in the right direction.
I can't belive how long I had suffered with
parasite symptoms never even having a clue. Glad I got it now though. The internet has been a blessing for me and my road to recovery. Finding this site and hearing others stories and experiences has been a pleasant eye opening bend in the road. I began learing of bowel cleansing,
parasite cleansing and
Liver Cleansing on another site and as I continued to research it, this site came to be. Nice to interact with people like me too. Don't feel alone anymore.
Good luck,