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Re: Worm-like thing thrashing in toilet!
allergymeister Views: 2,245
Published: 21 y
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Re: Worm-like thing thrashing in toilet!

Did the larger head have a small mouth and 2 dots that looked like "eyes"? If so, might have been a "Fluke". There are several types and different sizes.

As far as you diet, I don't think that thing came from the beef or chicken!!

A lot of vegitarians don't know you can get worms from plants. Several species of flukes have a stage where they hatch from animal or human "Poop" in fresh water. They then infect snails, go through several stages of development, and as larve, attach themselves to plants in the water and from a cyst. There they wait until eating by animals or man. When we or an animal eats them, they migrate to whereever they are happy ( liver, intestines, etc ) and lay egges and the cycle continues.

I've read that several of these flukes can be ingested by eating water chestnuts, watercress, or any other plant grown in water and are not cleaned or prepared correctly.

Heck, you can even get worms by walking barefoot.

So I wouldn't worry about the meat.



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