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Worm-like thing thrashing in toilet!
Starglider Views: 2,544
Published: 21 y
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Worm-like thing thrashing in toilet!

Hello all,

Please forgive the graphic nature of this post. I have been using the Hulda Clark zapper at night on my intestinal region and this morning I had some cramping and then a fairly large, loose bowel movement. In the toilet was a 1/2-inch long creature thrashing around. It was quite thin, pale brown and looked like a dragonfly with a larger, darker head and darker tail and some filaments going crosswise out from its body (probably to propel it). It was thrashing and swimming around the toilet bowl! Yuck! There was also a greyish similar looking thing the same size and I wondered if that was a dead one.

Has anyone seen such a creature and if so, do you know what it is or where I could go to look for a picture of it and identify it? Please help me i.d. this creature. It was so gross!

(By the way, I have also been having a lot of anal itching, and have not been watching my diet too well. For the past 2 days I have eaten meat--chicken and beef--after 10 years of not. I have also eaten oats which I am allergic to.)


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