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worms and webs and allthose things

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Wrenn Views: 2,879
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 467,013

worms and webs and allthose things

first off 90% of humans ahve parasites/whether have pets or not..
we are also constantly beign reinfested.. if our body system
is *friendly * to them
they thrive best in acidic systems/ and alsoin fecl matter
and *dirty* bowels.
youcan correct alot of this by making changes to help
bring about a great alkaline body.. and eating foods
that cause them to die off or wan t to exit..
(cayenne, tumeric,, fresh garlic, onions, raw pumpkin seed,
virgin coconut oil to list a few. )
if you click on the top blue headign at top of page onto clark
then goto tapeworms/ascaris.. yes she lists the co-q10 as a mopup
BUT !!! read farther into this.. she also clearly states the risks
that might entail from that particular mop up
the thiings that might exit form a dead Tapeworm and then run
free in yo u can lead to some serious secondaary infestations..
because of this, I my sle fhave chosen to focus on making
a tape worm leave on it 's owna nd take it's junk with it/
by raisng my alkalyne states.

aside form that the Clarkia ( youcan buy at
is excellent. I have used the 8 week treatment and now on maintenance
youcan and should also treat eveyone, and your pets too
(it coem with instructions/ fo r dose based on wt for kids/pets)

the doseage is to start with 3 drops, 3x's a day and build to 10 @ 3x's
it is your option to go higher if you choose.. but the regular dose is 10

i have had no problems with it except at veyr first/ i had a bit of
blood when i blew my nose.. and aside form that. just the usual
die off toxin symtoms.. which youneed to make sure you are
drinking good water and good bowel elimanation.
(even if take a herbal lax tea like smooth move to ensure )

another thing is.. teh Wormwood tinctures only kill certain
parasites. so ahdnin hand with that, you might get yourself
some good high lvl % carvocal OIL OFOREGANO .
this isnot the culianry kind.. it is form wild medditerannean
oregano with the high carvocal %
this oil is effective agaisn all the parasites the Wormwood tinctures
can't kill.. plus 137 viruses.microscopic bacterias/candida/lyme
e-coli, fungus's etc.. you must shake the bottle before use, and mix drops
slightly with a diffuser tyep oil (like a drop of oilvie oil , etc)
it is very concentrated.. best to start slow to avoid storng die off
start with one drop maybe twwice a day then goto 3 tiems a day,
or 2 drops 2x' a day etc.. is where on eposter gets his/ at 85% carvocal!
(mine is 55 % so next tiem iwill order from there myslef)
one bottle will las tyoualong time.. put in on food after dishing it
or in a drink.. i esp put it ona baked pototo/since i use oliveoil
as a butter sub onmy potatoes anyhow,and add oregano and basil and garlic

zapping is great!! there are very high cost ones and lower price
since my budget was tight i bought the 110 $ beck terminator
based on clarks design.. it coems with a battery and jstu takes a
9volt battery replace. coenw with instuctions..
i zap pretty much every day for an hour, esp when jsut sitting
or reading or usign my computer.
i got mine at

also on elast word.. there is an energized water forum here
read the posts, and click at top of page to read instrucitons
how to make for free your own!
also consider prill beads.. they are a one buy one time forver
alkalyne water source for you ( 10 % alkaline!!) sells them for 20 $
you rinse them off/ then put in a glass gallon container
(i divided mine in ahlf and put half in 2 separte 1/2 gallon glass
jugs) fill with water..let sit 24 hours.
after that take off 3/4 of water and set aside for drink water
(if usign teh gallon, then yo uwould take off 96 oz)
(if using 1/2 gallons then 48 oz of each)

then repalce back teh amt you took out and add to the prill beads
container to replenish if.
after that youcan draw off 3/4 water fo rdrinking every hour!!
forever!! (is 10 %alkaline!!) it is incredibly bnenficial
to your body /you can do a net search on prill beads for info
also do a search on oil of oregano for the bnefit sof it
and wHY younee dot make sure the carvocal lvl is high
alot of store s willsellyou much lower vllv stuff and pass
it off as same.. because it has soemcarvocal in it (liek 7 %)
this is ntothe kind yo uwant.. go for anythign 55% and above
the web i possted is 85%
best to youand yours on this great newyear
i hope some of that helps you *)


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