Re: Anyone get ill from such a high dose?
Genevah, I had been on Tri Cycline by Allergy Research
for 25 days and passed all sorts of parasites--round
worms, tape worms and eggs (after taking Cloves capsules
around Nov. 9--last full moon), so yesterday I got
brave. I had purchased Country Life Co Q 10 30 capsules,
100mg. each so I opened each capsule, put in a little
raw Clover honey with some Organic butter and a little
water and ate it. It went down fine. I weigh 130
and am 5'5". I didn't feel too bad yesterday. Today
I feel pretty wiped out, but I have not eaten
anything but Pomegrante, apple sauce and raw apple
juice and water because I am going to do a liver flush
again tonight. I've been zapping frequently. I am
pretty sick--not absorbing essential fatty acids and
have severe right shoulder pain, which thanks to
Dr. Clark--I know is related to the bile ducts being
plugged with parasites. I did 3
Liver Flushes
awhile back and passed about 75 stones total and 2
big ones--but no relief from feeling awful and pain
in right shoulder. So, I will follow up tomorrow to
let others know how it went. Good luck to all of you.
I am so thankful for this site and Hulda's book. I
have been to about 12 alternative practitioners,
parasites tests done by holistic labs--no parasites
seen and received no help for my misery.