ALTHOUGH when i take paragone herbs i definitly feel this under the skin itch almost like a masqueto bite wich cant be ignored it almost hurts but i know very well that these are parasites being disturbed and its like there biteing my insides but of course i only feel them when there close to the skin where my nerves can sence the bites,,, With the 4 years of zapping and recently 5 months of paragone combined with 10 to 13 flushes I have NEVER seen ANY type of parasite or the likeness of.. to tell you the truth im concerned because i want NO dicusting things like that livivng in me..or living in any one else.. it seems to me that i will have to get a MORE potent form of parasite wepon or try a different something.i should also add that ive been taking oil oregano every day for 2 months.