Re: Will Bowel Cleanse Remove Supplements?
I'm actually studying nutritional medicine at the moment and am planning on doing the colonix cleanse in the next month because the ingredients are very sound and broad spectrum, and i am sure i will see results, even though I am pretty healthy already.
I was interested by your question because my brother has had candida and another friend of mine has it at the moment. (my brother's candida was dealt with by a really strict diet for 6 months, and my friend is not doing anything about it at the moment becuase she is pregnant, but is having a hard time. )
As far as I can find, there really is no way to easily kill off the candida just by taking supplements if you don't stop eating the foods that keep feeding the candida. The only thing that worked for my brother and what my study book on candida specifically recommends is an eliminative diet but its pretty hard to do properly cause there is tons of stuff you can't eat).
Depending on how bad your candida is, and how much you really find that hte other supplements are helping you in controlling it, my suggestion would be to try the colonix cleansing program only and follow a really strict diet for the month that you are doing it and see what happens. Because the colonix program is specifically antiparasitic, detoxifying etc... it may well help kill off the overgrown yeast of the candida at the same time as starving it. Also, taking all the extra supplements might actually interfere in the detox that the ingredients in colonix will be doing, so its probably best not to mix them all - could lead to very unpredictable results.
Here's a list of the foods to eat/not eat when trying to kill a candida. Diet
The following dietary measures are part of the standard diet to control candida:
Allowed foods are beef, chicken, eggs, fish, yogurt, vegetables, nuts, seeds, oils.
Eliminate refined and simple sugars – no added
Sugar of any kind, including white or brown sugar, raw sugar, honey, molasses, or grain sweeteners. Stevia is an allowed
Sugar substitute.
Eat lots of raw garlic
Avoid milk
Avoid alcohol, fruit or dried fruit, mushrooms.
Avoid foods that contain yeast or mold – this includes all breads, muffins, cakes, baked goods, cheese, dried fruits, melons, peanuts.
Increase fiber – One teaspoon to one tablespoon of soluble fiber containing guar gum, psyllium husks, flaxseeds or pectin can be mixed in an 8
oz glass of water two times per day on an empty stomach.
Hope it goes well! candida sucks, so i really encourage you to stick to the diet thing as much as possible at least for hte first month of the colonix program!You should feel much better!