well concerning the white tounge issue and bad breath issue, a great deal of things have ot be considered. You might have allergic reaction to things in the air like dust, molds, dogs and cats and not even know it....I for one had allergies and demonstrated no signs of any rashes........inflammations .etc.it all was directed towards my nasal passge ways.and so clogged my turbenates. The reason I say that it might be allergies is because the white film you have in the back of your tougne might be caused by post nasal drip creating the bacteria that creates the bad breath. Another possibility of course is dietary problems which might ahve been mentioned here...........perhaps acid reflux........but you should i first consider going to an Ear Nose & throat doctor to see if perhaps you have an allergic reaction to certain foods that may affect your throat in some way.or your nasal passge ways.They can then do further tests on your tounge.etc