Re: How to get a 6 YR OLD BOWELS & LYMPH cleaned?
If he has any kind of
parasite or candida problems I would be careful about giving too much fruit.
I agree with not drinking soy.
Kombucha tea you make from a "mushroom" though that is not what it really is. You can get them on ebay. The apple pectin is fiber, I got it because she didn't like the psyillim husks.
For cereal we have homemade brown rice with butter, cinnamon, honey and fresh goats milk. Or eggs and sprouted bread. Or sprouted bread french toast with eggs.
I also juice for them, and sneak in a few greens. They like that and I like that it is fresh unpausterized, full of digestive enzymes.
Also, what I have noticed in my kids is that they are allergic or bothered by what they crave, my son loves bread and corn, and is intolerant of both.
Classical homeopathy is one dose of one remedy, it is incredable when it is the correct remedy, if it isn't nothing happens. It is powerful enough to stop acute pain within a minute. It has worked wonders on me and my children.