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6th day of oxy powder cleanse
sariewarie Views: 2,080
Published: 18 y

6th day of oxy powder cleanse

i started last friday i took 4 capsules, saturday my stools were still quite solid so i increased to 6 capsules, sunday my stools were still not liquid as the instructions suggested so i took 8 capsules that night, monday my stools were like water, i managed to go to work though made about 5 trips to the toilet that day. Tuesday through to friday i was visiting the toilet about 7 times a day, though saturday i went more than i had all week. Today my last day of cleanse i have only been about 4 times and i wonder if this is because i am clean now??
I'm not sure i want to keep taking the pills forever for the maintanence dose, i think i will just reduce the casules by 2 each night from today.
My stomach does feel less bloated now but i did not see any dark fecal matter or anything interesting that came out at all during my cleanse so i wonder if it has been a success with me or if i should do a longer cleanse or maybe my bowels were pretty clean ?
I'm not sure a bit confused now on what i should do mext :( maybe a liver flsuh ?
Any advise or experiences would be great :)


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