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Re: Bowel Cleanse while still eating lots of meat etc. I second it!

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Published: 19 y
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Re: Bowel Cleanse while still eating lots of meat etc. I second it!

Recently I have been thinking to myself that I really badly want to build a colonic machine for myself. I mean if people have been using them for hundreds (or even thousands?) of years as I have read, it can't be anything that I am not 100% capable of building myself. Seems it just required a small amount of plumbing skill and other misc handy skills. I have built many things (speakers, furniture, etc) in the past which I'm proud of, so I have no fear of such a task.

So does anyone know where I can get plans on how to make one of these? I have looked around online but can't find any plans to build them except for some guy who wants to charge me $50 for them. I would be willing to pay that I think but I doubt it's necessary.

Also, if you don't know where I can find plans to make one, does anyone here have any explanations on how they work if you yourself own one already? I have never gotten a colonic before so I honestly don't even really know what is going on anyway but I heard it is a simple process. Just a couple of tubes? One in, one out? **confused**

I can't afford to go to a professional for it repeatedly and I would rather build myself one that's really nice than pay way too much for something like this. Thanks for any help in advance!


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