Help....bad smelling gas when eat carbs...WHY?
I was wondering if you might have a little bit of knowledge about what is going on in my gut. I can't figure it out.
For a few years now, whenever I eat carbs like white flour or wheat(not sugar..candy)....I get terrible , painful gas that has a terrible odor.
I can't fiure out what is causing this odor.
I started the Colonix program 2 months ago and from day one I got out MP. Sometimes 4-5 pieces a day. Everyday it comes out!!
The only time I can control the gas/smell is when I take those carb blocker pills....made from Kidney Bean extract. They are supposed to hinder digestion of carbs. Well, I get no gas and no smell.
So this week it has been terrible. The waste coming out has the smell of the gas. An almost sulfur smell.
Do I have a
parasite problem or an allergy to wheat? Is this what Candida is?
Thanks so much for your time and knowledge.