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Re: First time cleanser... where to begin? Where to start?

Turmeric Bowel Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

north Views: 1,040
Published: 20 y
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Re: First time cleanser... where to begin? Where to start?

Here is a good post (see link below) on P and B shakes, but I would add to it that some people need a laxative herb product on the same days as taking Pand B shakes, otherwise they wouldn't even be able to take one shake without loosing all bowel movement completely (if they even had any before beginning the P and B program). Packaged sets are available of both a laxative herb mix and a psyllium mix, some with the B "bentonite" added and some not. OR you can buy each separately. What has worked for me:

The product "para-gone" also spelled "Paragone", has anti- parasite herbs (a good thing) and has Cape Aloe, which is a laxative herb, then on the same days I take P and B shakes.


Also, see the "FAQ" section near the top of the page in this Bowel Cleanse Forum .

I'm not the most experienced person, but hope this helps.


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