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Re: Anyone use Dr. Shulz #2?

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Re: Anyone use Dr. Shulz #2?

Both my hubby and myself use Dr. Schulze s Intestinal Formula #1 & #2, and we're very happy with it. We've never felt the need for taking additional probiotics just because we're taking the products, but we've never used them to treat anything specific, just as part of a bowel cleanse...,and of course, probiotics are always a good thing!

Dr. Schulze doesn't mention anything about #2 being used for parasites or Candida, but he does say that his IF#1 helps with Candida overgrowth & parasites. Note: I don't see that the ingredients would be what most would consider a 'complete' parasite cleanse and also, #1 will definitely 'get you going' you should be having 2-3 bowel movements daily before starting ANY type of psyllium/clay mixture for deep cleaning.

Also, if you want to save a little bit more moolah, Chris Voss (aka Tophat on Curezone) has a co-op, and regulary orders large quantities of Schultze products, getting them for 20-30% off. She'll sell to other forum members (and she's great to deal with and SUPER fast to ship :) You can reach her at:

Just mention you're from Curezone, and you can save some more 'health pennies' :)

I don't mean any offense to hanna, but I feel I have to say:

--Sea salt is not the same thing as probiotics. Probiotics replace the necessary good bacteria in our intestinal tract, while Sea Salt add minerals (but nothing that's 'alive' like bacteria, unless I've missed something)

--while a few feel that continued Liver Flushing is an adequate 'anti-parasite' agent, there are many health practitioners that strongly disagree. Personally, I fail to see how an infestation of parasites in other organs could be eliminated by a simple Liver Flush (no matter how many times one flushes). I do believe, however, that once the body is in a state of optimum health (and I do mean "optimum"...flushed, cleanses, free of parasites, free of disease & blockage, with the diet being organic, pure and without toxins), that the body can fight off the occasional parasite invasion fairly adequately.

--also, it's certainly NOT agreed upon by all natural healers that the liver should be flushed every two weeks until it's 'free of stones'. Many healers feel that that many flushes, especially the ones as harsh as the Clark type can be damaging to the liver & gall bladder when done every two weeks.

'Hope this help you's to good knowledge and GREAT HEALTH!



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