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The joy of cleansing.....
eureca Views: 1,057
Published: 20 y

The joy of cleansing.....

having only 2 stalls for the entire female staff;

having to walk (sometimes run) past the weird guy sitting next to the restroom who rumor has it likes to note who flushes and how long each person takes.

having to take longer to turn and look, if not wade through the contents and hoping noone sees you doing this through the crack;

looking through the contents of the bowl thus ensuring that the stench will remain much longer than you would have allowed in times past;

having to face coworkers after releasing noxious odors and curdling bowels sounds and not really being able to share why;

and last,

sitting smugly at your desk knowing your coworkers still have loads of toxic waste and bloodsucking parasites stuck in the colon and you don't.


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