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pleeease help?
  Views: 2,102
Published: 20 y

pleeease help?

i'm on FirstCleanse, which is CleanseSmart but gentler. before i started this, i was having basically 1 "good" BM per day. it went to 2 for awhile when i first started the cleanse, but they were really small and i didn't feel like i was getting enough out. now it's 1 a day, and small! and at this point it's been more than 24 hours since i've had 1. i'm just scared because my skin is breaking out pretty badly -- worse than normal. (my skin is why i'm doing the cleanse in the first place). and i just DON'T FEEL LIKE I'M ON THE RIGHT TRACK! that's the worst part. i have no idea what to do at this point! i'm eating fairly well (okay, i could do better...), exercising, taking FibreSmart (flax based). i could probably drink more water. any other ideas? take more fibre? should i juice fast? does that get things moving? i'm so clueless.

i'll appreciate ANY bit of help or just encouragement that anyone can give. thanks.


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