I don't think that we know Oxypowder does not remove mucoid plaque, It's just that it can't be identified once it comes out. The Oxypowder dissolves everything so it's not recognizable. I will just say that I did just about every type of cleanse there is. Oxypowder made the most impact on my health. I am finally able to do things that cause a detox without getting so ill that I can't continue. For example, I was completely unable to drink ozonated water. I'd have a flu the next day each time I tried a small amount. After oxy-powder, I've had as much as 5 10 ounce cups in a day with no problem at all. I think it's because stuff doesn't get stuck in my digestive system now as it did before, causing reabsorbtion of toxins. So to me, it seems that this stuff must have gotten at the mucoid plaque. No way to prove it though. I just feel better.