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Re: Feeling horrible please help

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sugaholic Views: 1,397
Published: 20 y
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Re: Feeling horrible please help

I got really clogged up using the clay and psyllium and had to stop taking it. If your having bowel movements every day it may just be the die off reactions, but if its making you constipated you need to take smaller doses and build it up. Some people take laxatives to get things moving but for me it made me feel worse.

You could try Oxypowder , which will liquidify your bowel matter, although I'm not sure if it can get rid of really old faecal matter. I've posted some info which was helpful for me when I felt really bad. Hope this helps.

Herxheimer Reaction:

The Herxheimer Reaction occurs when the body is detoxifying too rapidly and toxins are being released faster than the body can eliminate them.[v] When this occurs, one will suffer from headaches, nausea, vomiting, and malaise. Even though this is but a short period of the health program, it can be severe and deter one from reaching their intended goals. Also, the person may not know what they are experiencing and think that they are regressing.

To minimize the Herxheimer Reaction:

Drinks lots of pure distilled water

Get minimal exercise daily

Lots of sunshine

Take detoxification slowly ... one step at a time

Don't increase the dose of herbals

Keep the organs of elimination (bowels, lungs, skin, kidneys) open

Take detox baths

Use aromatherapy oils for aches -like peppermint, birch, and wintergreen

Sweat by using exercise, saunas, baths, and herbs

Avoid foreign chemicals and refined processed foods

If the Herxheimer reaction occurs, cut back on your health detoxification program. Reduce the dose of herbs and follow the above outline to reduce the symptoms of toxin elimination. The more toxins there are to eliminate, the sicker one is when they come out. Generally, one will feel better when all is over and health is restored again. Just remember, don't give up.


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