I did my first Oxypowder cleanse about seven weeks ago. I started out taking two capsules the first night and built up to 8 per night. At this level I was having 5 bowel movements a day. It was great. I had no problems. My bowel movements were completely controllable. I didn't have to stay near a bathroom. If I was out somewhere I could hold it until I found a restroom. I did this for ten days. My bowel movements were pretty much a brownie mix type of consistency. Over the course of the ten days they never did start to become more solid or formed. So, my first question is, should I have continued with the initial cleansing indefinitely until my bm's became more solid?
Then I started maintenance which for me was 4 capsules every other night. That has been going fine for several weeks. Now I have a problem. I am starting to be woken up in the middle of the night needing to go to the bathroom. I am becoming sleep deprived. Then the big accident came! (Sorry this is gross.) I lost control of my bowels while I was sleeping and had a bm in my bed. So, now I don't want to take this at night anymore. I would like to take it in the morning when I wake up so I might have my bm's before I go to bed and won't have this problem anymore. Is there a reason that it has to be taken at night? Thanks for all of your help!