Re: Embarassing Question
Oh yes, rocks! If they are brown, they were likely velcroed (stapled?) to your colon for... a long time! You want those babies out! I have seen plenty just as you describe, and have done little autopsies and found old mucous, things that definitely had to be deceased parasites... all kinds of little goodies inside.
I have also seen green rocks (from liver/gallbladder), white fluffy stuff (from lymph system), lots of what we fondly call mucoid placque... weird hard rubbery stuff... I am over two years into colon cleansing and STILL NOT DONE! I did a 59 day fast this summer and STILL HAD STUFF coming out after 59 days on liquids! Geez! Ah, but well worthwhile! I had a
colonic on day 59 and lost stuff that had been right next to the actual wall of my colon--for the first time in over two years of work. Wow.
Congratulations! And no need to be embarrassed on this forum! We are all little sanitary spelunkers! I have a special flashlight to ogle the contents of my potty.