Hi, just thought I'd report back as to my bowel cleanse, using colosan.
I think the cleanse was, and is, very sucsesfull. I have also done 12 liver flushes. I wish I would of done this cleanse earlyer, as I think I would of avoided absorbing toxins out of the flushes.
Anyway I took colosan for a week, and had just loose stools that I was always in control of. No getting caught short. I thought that was it. But No it wasn't since then I have been passing, plaque. It has been partly black. I have felt terrible in my self. thinking my old symptoms where back. Yesterday (2 weeks after taking colosan) I passed lots of it, and as soon as I passed it I felt fantastic. So it was all the toxins making me feel i'll. I think I should do it again as I am still passing some. how often can we do it? I wish I had the nerve to have a colonic! Whats it like?